Do Suction Bowls work on Stokke Tripp Trapp?

Are you the proud owner of a Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair? Do you love the look but hate that suction bowls don't work? We hear you!

We know that the Stokke Tripp Trapp tray has a textured surface, and suction doesn't work on it. Because the Stokke Tripp Trapp tray has a textured surface, it is impossible to achieve lasting suction. The suction works if the air can't get under the suction base, which is impossible on a textured surface like the Tray Suction Stickers. The air will slowly come in and release the suction.

Luckily we have a solution that works!

Our unique suction bowls and suction plates now work with the Stokke Tripp Trapp. We have tested many options, from silicone placemats to all sorts of stickers. None worked until now. We have created a special sticker from a unique material, and with it, suction works! Check out our demo video below and see just how well suction bowls and plates work with the Stokke Tripp Trapp.

No more worrying about your child's bowl or plate slipping off the tray. Our special sticker ensures that suction bowls and plates stay in place. Check out our demonstration video to see how it works.

Say goodbye to messy mealtimes and hello to suction bowls that stay put! Brightberry special sticker ensures that your child's suction bowls and plates stay in place and don't slip off the tray. Our unique sticker works great with suction bowls and plates on the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair. Check out our demonstration video to see how it works.

The special tray sticker works with Brightberry theOne™ bowls and theBase plates. 

Order your sticker HERE. Available in white or transparent options.